Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari are some of the most popular internet browsers available nowadays. Most of their functions are very similar. Generally, most people would install one or two browsers for leisure use. However, when developing your website, it is a good idea to install at least three of the abovementioned browsers. We will explain the reason in this post.

The above four images are screenshots of our main page on the different internet browsers. In each of the screenshot, we added a red vertical line beside the word “Businesses”. As you can see, the red lines all hit different parts of the word “Support” on each browser. For example, on Google Chrome, the line hits the letter “o” in the word “Support”. But in Internet Explorer, the line hits the letter “u”.

These images show that the way each browser displays the page content is different. Therefore, when developing your website, it is good idea to test it on different browsers before launching.

