author: Kathy

We have recently added a new photo sorting feature on the Doteasy Hosted Gallery – you can now rearrange photos in your albums. This feature comes in handy when you’re trying to document your trip or vacation using photos or any occasion that calls for arranging your photos in a special/custom order.


1. Click on Manage Album to access the album you need to arrange.

Manage Album

2. Click on the Manage Photos tab.

Manage Photos

3. Click on the Sort Photos in this Album link.

Sort Photos

4. Begin rearranging your photos by drag-and-drop. Simply drag the photo and drop it to where you want it to be.

Drag and Drop Photo

5. Once you have rearranged your photos, you can use the View Photos by drop-down menu to select the Custom option. This option will display all your photos according to the order you have just defined.

Custom View


  1. The drag and drop sorting is per page
  2. Sorting order is saved as soon as you drop the photo to another location.
  3. If you want to move a photo to another page, you will need to click on the photo and then click on the Move Selected Photo link.

Move Selected=

4. This new photo order will become the Default display order of photos on your public album.

Default View

