If you need an email form for your website, you will find a couple suggestions on the Doteasy website:

Doteasy Web Tools

There is another simple email form you can check out – MicroContact Form.

MicroContact Email Form

You will need to signup with the developer to download the script. However, signup is free.

The script consists of 3 files: microContact.php, style.css and icon.gif

Basic Customization

1. Define your email address

change email address on contact form

2. Customize the HTML portion

customize HTML on contact form

Advanced Customization: Adding more fields (require basic PHP knowledge)

Say you want to add two new fields to the form: contact phone number.

1. Add and define the new error messages:

add new error to contact form

2. Add new field to the form:

Add new field to the form

3. Edit the function sendMail to include the new entity

Edit the function sendMail

4. Add the following.

Add the following to contact form

Customizing the Appearance

  1. Style.css – If you want to change the appearance of the form, you will need to do so via the style.css file.
  2. HTML – If you want to add more content to the form page itself, you will need to do so via the HTML portion of the microContact.php file.


Once you have made all the customizations, upload the entire folder onto the server. You can rename the file microContact.php to contact.php or any filename you wish to use.

