If you are looking for information on a domain name, the best place to look is the WHOIS record.

The WHOIS record contains all of the registration information, and registrant information of a domain name. This is significant because the WHOIS is the official record when determining who owns the domain name and when the domain name will expire.

It is imperative that domain owners keep their WHOIS record up to date at all times. The WHOIS record is maintained by your domain registrar. So, if you need to make any changes to your domain’s WHOIS record, you can make the change through them.

There are two parts to the WHOIS record: the primary record which is kept at the registry level, and a secondary record which is kept at the registrar level.

The primary record will look something like this.

Whois Server: whois.in2net.com
URL: http://www.in2net.com
Status: clientTransferProhibited
Status: clientUpdateProhibited
Updated Date: 22-aug-2007
Creation Date: 22-aug-2007
Expiration Date: 22-aug-2008

The primary record contains the registrar’s name and information, the name servers that the domain is using, the status of the domain name, and also the domain’s creation and expiration dates.

The secondary record contains mainly the contact information of the various parties involved with the domain name. The format of the secondary WHOIS record will vary depending on the registrar, but the types of information provided would be the same.

If your domain name is registered through Doteasy, the contact information that you list on file will be posted on the WHOIS record. You can update your WHOIS contact information through Member Zone.

Members who have registered their domain name through Doteasy would be able to view their domain WHOIS record from Member Zone. For those who have not, you can view your WHOIS record using the WHOIS search tool.

